I`m a big, big fan of fall back Sunday!
Pre-church puttering to my hearts content over here 💕
How about you?
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I think I figured out instagram!
The algorithm and everything!
Just... live your life how you think you should and don`t worry about it 😉
At least that`s what I`m doing these days!
Here`s to serving our families, enjoying our homes, and working for the glory of our heavenly Father 💕
#intentionalmotherhood #home #wearethehomemakers #homeschoolmom #charlottemasonliving #charlottemason #charlottemasoneducation #homeschoollife #homeschool #homeschoolersofinstagram #homeschooling #amblesideonline #homeschoolfamily #christianhome #365homeschool #educationisanatmosphere #homeschoolingbyheart #homeschoolcommunity #joyfulmamas #christiancommunity #motherculture #largefamilylife
“Do you know the kind of still, warm, comfort-giving day that comes in autumn, when, if you are silent, and will listen, you can hear a solitary beech leaf flutter slowly down from branch to branch, till it reaches Mother Earth and rests there? … Knowledge of such things comes by the listening ear. If we would have the joy that comes with such knowledge, we must cultivate the habit of listening, and if we would give children this joy, we must help them to form the habit early.” (The Parents’ Review, Vol. 57, p. 65, Gladding, “The Listening and The Hearing Ear”) tessakeath
Our first week of Boreal Forest has been an amazing adventure! Here’s what our nature explorers have been up to this week!
❄️This week our Little Explorers (ages 3-5)- learned B is for Boreal, T is for Taiga, discovered boreal forest winter nature signs, learned about the shades of green in a fun evergreen activity, compared evergreens and deciduous trees, played a game of match the cones, and created their own conifer cone book, learned about life as a larch, and created a cut and paste larch cone bush, and enjoyed a group STEM activity dyeing with natural dyes!
🗺️Our Junior Explorers (ages 6-8) discovered the geography of the boreal forests with a mapping activity, learned about the pine tree life cycle, discovered more about the pine tree with a learning wheel creation, discovered the science of a dichotomous key when comparing the conifer and deciduous trees, sorted the conifer cones, and created a larch lift-the-flap to learn more about this amazing tree, and enjoyed a group STEM activity dyeing with natural dyes!
🐺Our Senior Explorers (ages 9-11) explored the boreal forest layers with a lift-the-flap creation, discovered the animals of the boreal forest, created conifer paint brushes, explored pine cones with a science day in the Cone Lab, explored boreal colors with a larch color palette activity, and had a laugh with larch Madlib, and enjoyed a group STEM activity dyeing with natural dyes!
🌲Our Expert Explorers (ages 12+) learned more about the characteristics of a boreal forest with a sorting and charting activity, learned all about the conifer from the science of a dichotomous key, created Northern Lights with a fun science experiment with pine cones, wrote beautiful larch poetry, and enjoyed a group STEM activity dyeing with natural dyes!
Can you believe that all of these wonderful activities are in just one week of the Boreal Forest study!
Sign up for our Nature Study Club today and get this unit, plus all freebies and resources for this month, for the introductory price of just $12/month!
Head to the link in our bio or go to www.fortheloveofhomeschooling.com/nature-study-club to learn more!
Marrying into a homeschooling family I was so surprised at their idea of a good time!
We`re taking a walk? Just... a walk?
My family *literally* never did this. Ever.
And maybe it`s also outdoorsy people, or even health conscious people - but as homeschoolers ourselves walks now have the special anointing of "nature study"!
And my husband, who has been taking me on walks since our first date, has been taking our family to check out every and any park or nature preserve within 50+ miles of everywhere we`ve lived!
It`s really wonderful for our Charlotte Mason style nature study goals, but it`s also just what we`ve always done!
When he is tired or the kids are just acting crazy, or even bored - "let`s go for a walk" and we all pile in the van and head out! It usually helps a ton, too.
How do nature walks fit in your family or homeschooling?
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Checkout Homeschools Connected at www.classicallearner.com, and if you don’t have school age kids, but want to support my mission you can do so through the link in my bio.
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Check out Homeschools Connected at www.classicallearner.com
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The Summer Sale is now on!
Did you know that we have two Guided Journals to accompany the Exploring Nature with Children curriculum? One has print-style copywork pages, the other cursive-style copywork. Essentially, they are the `student pages`, and the ENWC curriculum is the teacher`s manual.
We have thousands of families around the world who find the Guided Journals helpful to support & structure their child`s nature journaling. They are not at all a requirement for using the ENWC programme, however; you are more than welcome to use a blank journal of your own choosing if you prefer.
Pop over to the website to download the samples, and also we have free seasonal title pages for the Guided Journals. These are useful if you wish to bind your GJ into four smaller, seasonal books rather than one huge book!
(there`s a direct link in my profile raisinglittleshoots )
Thank you to letthemlovelearning for sharing theirs! Do pop over to Tammy`s page for more home education inspiration.
Time in green spaces is good for both physical and mental wellbeing.
It is proven to reduce stress hormone production, lower heart rate and blood pressure, boost the immune system, and improve feelings of happiness.
What`s not to love?
#exploringnaturewithchildren .
"Cast ne`er a clout till May is out"
This was a favourite expression of my granny`s, and unfortunately it did not occur to me to question her about it then I was young.
It seemed to have something to do with not packing your woollies away until the end of May, or possibly she could have meant until the May flower (Hawthorn) blooms.
Either way, it pretty much sums up the British weather!
Happy May, everyone!
Book : : The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady by Edith Holden
Fairies : : myriadnaturaltoys conscious_craft