The Shape of My Love

The Shape of My Love

Today’s article was written by Craig, the husband of Hip Homeschool Moms team member, Taryn. We are so happy to share a post written by a homeschooling dad, and we hope it’s encouraging to all of you moms who work hard to homeschool while doing everything else you do! Thank you, Craig, for sharing this…

For Better or Worse

For Better or Worse

Having been married for 27 years, I completely understand what they mean by “for better or worse.”   Of course, the Better part is pretty easy.  He’s so nice and you’re so respectful and it feels like life will always be sweet. To quote one of the greats, “Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder…

Snapshots of a Mother’s Cancer Experience — Pt 7: And the Results Are In …

Snapshots of a Mother’s Cancer Experience — Pt 7: And the Results Are In …

When I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer in 2000, I came face-to-face with my own mortality—and learned some profound lessons that transformed my view of reality. I would never sign up for my cancer experience, but neither would I trade away the treasures mined from it. Above all, I learned to live…

Snapshots of a Mother’s Cancer Experience — Pt 6: Dime Sized Trouble?

Snapshots of a Mother’s Cancer Experience — Pt 6: Dime Sized Trouble?

When I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer in 2000, I came face-to-face with my own mortality—and learned some profound lessons that transformed my view of reality. I would never sign up for my cancer experience, but neither would I trade away the treasures mined from it. Above all, I learned to live…

Snapshot of a Mother’s Cancer Experience — Pt 5: Not My Idea of a Romantic Date

Snapshot of a Mother’s Cancer Experience — Pt 5: Not My Idea of a Romantic Date

When I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer in 2000, I came face-to-face with my own mortality—and learned some profound lessons that transformed my view of reality. I would never sign up for my cancer experience, but neither would I trade away the treasures mined from it. Above all, I learned to live…