8 Best Hacks for Homeschool Gardening
Thinking about starting to do a little gardening in your homeschool? It’s worth it! Here are 8 homeschool gardening hacks to help you get started.
Hip Homeschool Moms. A Vibrant Community for Homeschooling Families.
Thinking about starting to do a little gardening in your homeschool? It’s worth it! Here are 8 homeschool gardening hacks to help you get started.
Companion Planting: 10 Herbs That Repel Garden Pests Are you planting a garden with your children this summer? If so, you’ll enjoy learning about 10 herbs that repel garden pests! I’ve homeschooled for many years, and I’ve seen for myself that children usually learn more and enjoy their studies much more when they do hands-on,…
Gardening is one way I can bring nature home, and I find it to be a very rewarding and fulfilling use of my time. And gardening with my children is not only a great learning opportunity, but it’s also a way of teaching them patience and diligence. In fact, gardening as a family can be…
If you plan to do some gardening with your children this spring and summer, you may be wondering about starting your garden from seeds. There are advantages and disadvantages. I actually do a combination of seeds and transplants, and I’d like to tell you why. I’ll begin by sharing the positives and negatives of starting…
Teaching your children what garden tools they need and how to use them is very important! It’s also important to teach your children how to properly maintain a garden. Some people grow a garden in order to save money on food. Some do it to have access to healthy food that was grown without pesticides….
You may be wondering where to begin with your spring garden. You probably need a spring planting list! I have found a spring planting list to be helpful. Rather than plant as you go, it’s important to have a plan for your garden. In my opinion the hardest part of gardening is soil preparation. However,…
So you want to have a garden. Getting inspired to garden is the first step. Before you can begin to plan your garden, you need to have a vision. You may not have all the details hashed out yet…that’s OK. The first thing to do is get inspired: gather info, learn a little, and know what…
Play is so important! Childhood play and development go hand-in-hand. Play helps children learn more about the world around them and how to interact with other people of different ages. In this post, we will take this childhood play outside! Keep reading to find lots of nature ideas for kids! When it comes to childhood…
Earth Day is celebrated on Tuesday, April 22 this month, but you do not need to wait until that day arrives to do something to promote good stewardship toward the world that has been gifted to us by God. Earth Day was founded and created in 1969 by John McConnell (newspaper publisher and community activist)…
My list of favorite medicinal herbs to grow is long. The longer I study herbs, the longer my list grows. Herbs have been used traditionally for their medicinal properties for hundreds of years. When you grow herbs yourself, you can make your own medicine for almost free! Photo Credit: erix! via Compfight cc Medicinal plants…
When planting your garden this spring, one of the most important things to consider is the kind of seeds you choose to plant. Below you will find information about the 3 basic types of seeds and why heirloom seeds are a great choice. First generation hybrid seeds {F1 hybrids} – These are the most common…
During the flurry throughout my community that surrounds traditional back-to-school time and the collective change of focus in schedules and activities, I’m grateful for the blessings of being able to ask myself if it’s time to hit the books or to “dig in” to more hands-on learning. As the weather cools and time outside is…